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tv   First Look  MSNBC  December 12, 2017 2:00am-3:00am PST

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it's election day in alabama. polling is all over the map. both roy moore ask doug jones spend election eve making one last push for votes. attempted terror attack. what we're learning this morning about the suspect in yesterday's new york city blast. wildfire in southern california continue. so-called thomas fire fifth largest blaze in california history. only 20% contained. >> >> good morning. it's december 12. i'm ayman mohyeldin alongside
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yasmin and louis burgdorf. dead heat just hours before polling begins. shows doug jones a ten point lead over roy moore. included land line and cell phone participating when it was conducted, but the newest emerson college tracking poll shows moore with a nine point lead over jones. results of today's election may depend on voter turnout. some republicans weigh sitting out rather than voting for moore. monmouth university poll shows if voter turnout is higher, it will give doug jones an advantage. if it is lower, it will give roy moore a four point advantage. last nights roy moore returned to campaign trail. message for undecided republicans. >> >> one thing i don't like the media has said. a lot of people who are republicans claim they're going to vote for me and just ignore what they believe. i'm going to tell you, if you
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don't believe in my character, don't vote for me. >> last night, steve bannon helped roy moore deliver closing argument. former white house chief stat gist railroad against the republican establishment. talking more about donald trump than the candidate he was there to support. to mitch mcconnell and senator shelby, they don't have it backed. at all. what they want him for is corporate tax cut. that's all they want him for.
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as soon as they get the tax cut. you watch what happens. there's a special place in hell. for republicans who should know better. >> some are saying the last line was not so vailed swooip at i e ivanka trump. when she condemned and said there's a special place in hell for people who pray on children. doug jones got help from two top democrats. former president barack obama and biden recorded robo calls for jones. condoleeza rice also urged voters to get out and vote in today's election. calling it one of the most significant? alabama history. statement obtained writes encourage you to take a stand for core principles and what is right. critical times require us to come together to reject bigotry, sexism and intolerance.
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meanwhile, back on the campaign trail joined by a number of celebrities. nba hall of famer and alabama native charles barkley. both took shots at roy moore in allegations of sexual misconduct against him. >> referendum not just on the issues that we got, but it's who we are. what we're going to tell our daughters and is alabama going stand with our daughters and our granddaughters that we will believe them. we will respect them no matter when they come forward. >> there's no way possible this guy -- number one, be in an election. all right. there's no way. i mean, it's unbelievable that this guy is still in the race when people in your own party say they won't vote for you or support you, i am begging and urging everything to get out, call all of your friends, we got to at some point, we got to stop
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looking like idiots to the nation. >> joining us now from montgomery alabama. vaughn hillyard. voting beginning in a few hours from now. you've spoken to hundreds of people during the course of your time down there. including undecided republican voters. how is this going to play out for them. what have they told you? >> reporter: good morning. two hours away now from the polls opening up here locally in alabama. when you talk to the republican voters, this is over the last month since november 9 is when the initial allegations came forward out of "the washington post" article. we've talked to as you mentioned countless republicans who were either hesitant to vote at all, hesitant to vote for roy moore, or hesitant to vote for democratic for many of them the first time in their lives. without the campaign at this point, looking at this rather open last night. they think of course they were very confident at this point. they think they have an eight and a half point advantage in this race. they told me it comes down to
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they're not concerned about republicans crossing over in large droves over the democratic doug jones at this point. if republicans do not show up, it's not enough to suppress the turnout to the point it would cost roy moore the election in this case. in the past he has struggled to get republicans that were not part of his base over to their side. they said if the democrats need to be concerned about. we talked to jones campaign. jones campaign on their end said they feel good about where the election is going. saying they believe they've turned out an operation that can get people to the polls particularly in these urban areas. especially around the birmingham area. >> i'm not sure you have the answer to this question. i'm going to ask it anyway. if you don't, just let me know. >> have you talked to alabamians about the fact if roy moore were to win, he were to make it to washington, d.c. and then guys like mitch mcconnell were to say, okay, we're going to start an ethics investigation into roy moore and make attempts to unsee him from
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the senate. how would that play out in alabama for those people who have voted for him? >> reporter: sure, the best answer i can give to you is the people of alabama pushed back a very strongly against outside forces. whether that be the likes of mitch mcconnell. whether that be democrats. outside money and influence. even when i was here two months ago and luther strange versus roy moore race, there is a lot of pushback to the president of the united states coming here despite his swell of support here on the ground. i have a hard time imagining as they say here on the ground, let the people decide. let the people vote. let roy moore stay in the race. republicans over the last couple of weeks were calling for him to drop out of the race. mitch mcconnell the likes of other senators. the voters on the ground said let us decide. we may not like roy moore, but let us be the ones to cast the vote. >> safe to say this is far from over regardless of what happens today. vaughn hillyard. thank you. morning joe will be
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broadcasting live from alabama covering the special senate election. be sure to stick around for that. don't want to miss that discussion this morning. learning more details about the man new york city police said tried to carry out a terror attack. detonated device strapped to body at subway station blocks from time square. surveillance video captured of the failed detonation as people scrambled for safety. police say four people were injured. remains in the hospital and is talking to officials about the attack. so far police say the bangladesh immigrant has told them he detonated a bomb made from a pipe. nine volt battery, matches and christmas tree lights in the name of isis. to avenge the death of muslims around the world. officials added he told them he consumed terrorist propaganda, made the explosive devices in his brooklyn apartment after watching online instructions. no evidence he has any direct
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contact with isis. officials add that he immigrated to the country back in 2011 is a legal permanent resident with a green card. that while he had traveled abroad numerous times since moving to the united states, didn't actually raise any red flags for officials in the attack. in the wake of the attack, claimed the violence was a result of laxed immigration. sparred too many dangerous inadequately vetted people to access our country. the president's action is one of not one included on the travel ban. >> working to contain several wildfires. including the thomas fire. now become the fifth largest wildfire in that state's history. officials louisiana night say the thomas fire destroyed more than 800 structures. caused estimated $48 million in damage. so only 20% contained. according to the cal fire, there are more than 9,000 firefighters
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battling five wildfires across more than a quarter of a million acres in southern california right now. just staggering. some of the women who publically spoke out from the 2016 election to accuse donald trump of sexual misconduct are speak egg oing out again. revisited their allegations against trump in the wake of the me too movement. the women, three of 16 who accused the president of inappropriate behavior calling on congress to launch a bipartisan investigation into president trump's past conduct. in response a handful of democrat lawmakers have joined in calling for president to resign. white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders had the following response in yesterday's briefing. take a listen. >> look, the president has addressed these accusations directly. and denied all of these
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allegations. and this took place long before he was elected to be president. and the people of this country at a decisive election supported president trump, and we feel like these allegations have been answered through that process. >> all this comes after the president reportedly became infuriated according to new reporting by u.n. ambassador when she spoke about the accusers on cbs's face the nation on sunday. >> how do you think people should assess the awe accuseccu the president. >> same thing as women who accuse anyone should be heard. they should be heard and dealt with. i think we heard from them prior to the election and i think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way, they have every right to speak up. >> does the election mean that's a settled issue. >> you know, that's for the people to decide. i know that he was elected, but you know, women should always
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feel comfortable coming forward and we should all be willing to listen to them. >> white house official telling nbc news the president is not upset at haley at all for her comments and police chiefs what haley said is being taken out of context. another tv personality steps away from show after sexual misconduct allegations. later white house renewed attacks on the media. briefing those stories and a check on your weather of course when we come back.
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following allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior. speaking out on the matter. becomes the latest in the line of powerful men facing misconduct. nbc news an tompson has more. >> most important thing to realize. it's all very easy. >> reporter: mario baa tally
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rising from hottest kitchens to food network star dumb. gone from the frying pan into the fire. four women accusing of sexual misconduct. one woman telling eater new york, a popular website about the food industry that he rubbed her breasts after she spilled wine on herself. three women who worked for him say he touched them inappropriately. groping them. giving unwanted hugs. and in one instance blocking her way. >> he was basically compelled to straddle him. >> editor says all of the accusers demanded an th eddeman >> a lot of the women are alleges he had a habit of retaliating. >> reporter: just six weeks ago appeared on a video about sexual harassment. >> need a workplace free of
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fear. >> reporter: apologizing. conceding in a statement saying it does in fact match up with ways i have acted. that behavior is wrong and there are no excuses. stepped away from the day-to-day operations of his business. abc asked him to leave the tv show. while the network reviews the allegations of behavior that is unpa l unpalatable in any workplace. anne thompson, nbc news new york. let's get a check on weather. nbc meteorologist bill karins. snow and cold weather coming to the northeast. >> winter arrived. a lot of kids waking up. teachers too. snow is coming down. not much of a mix. just a little mitt bit in central pennsylvania. that's it. snowing pretty hard in cleveland. buffalo. albany to syracuse to buffalo. now move to vermont, new hampshire, maine during the day. winter storm warnings in red.
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advisories in white. difference is the impact. minor exacts in massachusetts and also northern portions of connecticut. much more significant impact further north you go. arn a lot of lake affect snow coming in today with the cold wind. let's time it out for you. 7:00 a.m. this morning. blue shows you where the snow. good news for i-95 boston back down to providence, philly, washington, baltimore. this will storm misses you completely. little rain possible. airport should be just fine today. tomorrow with the winds could be delayed. that's about it. 2-5:00 p.m. still could find the northern portions of new england. then turn attention to lake affect snow. cold air and little clipper for form going to bring light snow to detroit. maybe possible school delays here. don't think we'll get any cancellation out of that. snow total map. really kind of patchy. this first storm depended on elevation. go to white and green mountains
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here. maine, vermont, new hampshire. high totals up to a foot. 6-12 inches. albany looks like an inch or two for you. lake affect snow going to be heaviest near erie and all the towns there. that's who could get up to 20 inches of snow out of this. mentioned the cold too. milwaukee, 2 windchill. minneapolis at one. go through wednesday. winds howl in new york. coldest of the season here. lewis, 7 for windchill in new york city will get everyone's attention. even friends in d.c. will have the same. >> going to have to layer up tomorrow morning when we leave our apartment at 3:30 in the morning. >> i'm up at 1:1:15 buddy. >> okay. president trump's son sets in motion setting astronauts back to the moon. almost 50 years later since 1972. take a listen.
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>> this time, we will not only plant or flag and leave our footprint, we will establish a foundation for an eventual mission to mars and perhaps some day to many worlds beyond. >> the united states is the only nation that has sent astronauts to the moon and has not been back since apolo 17 which was back in 1972. exciting stuff. >> very exciting. i wonder if things are going to change. if they still see the flag there and stuff they left behind. interesting to see. pats try for ninth consecutive east title. would miami stand in their way. hot stove heats up as yankees had more power to their lineup. sports is next. [ mouse clicks, keyboard clacking ] [ mouse clicking ] [ keyboard clacking ] [ mouse clicking ] [ keyboard clacking ] ♪
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welcome back. time now for sports. monday night football between the patriots and miami dolphins. to miami we go. tom brady and miami dolphins. brady would have two interceptions and just one touchdown on the night. it was miami qb cutler who had a great night. throwing three touchdowns and no interceptions for 263 yards. cutler had 25 yard pass. in the third giving the dolphins a 20-10 lead. cutler also targeted landry eight times during the game. including two touchdown receptions. one to solidify lead and the win.
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dolphins upset the patriots in this one 27-29. new england a chance to clench the afc east title. brady not happy about that. philadelphia eagles clench the nfc east against the rams. came at heavy cost. mri yesterday morning revealed quarterback carson wentz has torn acl and will meiss the res of the season. peterson will take over. may visit new york on sunday where a win against the giants earn philly an early first round buy in the playoffs. take a listen. >> the reason we went out and got nick fultz is for reasons like this. situation s like this. i'm excited for nick obviously. i hate it for carson wentz. i hate it for the season he's been having, but at the same time, it's been the next man up mentality. that's how we approach it this week. >> if you're a philly fan, it is
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a cold morning this morning. yankees now have a monopoly on home run hitters officially introducing giancarlo stanton to the bronx bombers. led the national lead with 59 homers this past season. yankees already led the league last year in that category. matching 241 long balls with a little help from aaron judge and sanchez. now during the press conference, asked about the marlins organization. now under the leadership of former yankees, derek jeter. >> when i signed up in miami, i wanted things to work out. sometimes things just spiral out of place, and, you know, you have to find a new home. we spoke about the direction of the team. the way they wanted to go was retract. i didn't want to be part of another rebuild, another losing season. >> i guess it boedes well for te new york yankees. >> after a season like that, i'm not surprised he ended up at the
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yankees. >> if you're a season holder in left field, probably catching a lot of balls this year. >> do we have any idea what the paycheck is for that guy. >> you came to work at 3:30 you should know by now. >> this is wrong. just abuse. still ahead, treasury department releases very brief announcement of gop tax plan. democrats are hitting back. following the latest on alabama senate election. going to get a live report on what kind of voter turnout we're expecting. stay with us, everybody. but we brought power to the people- redefining what that meant from one era to the next. over 90 years later, we continue to build as america's 3rd largest investor in infrastructure. we don't just help power the american dream... we're part of it.
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here's the story of green mountain coffee roasters sumatra reserve. let's go to sumatra. the coffee here is amazing. because the volcanic soil is amazing. so we give farmers like win more plants. to grow more delicious coffee. which helps provide for win's family. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters.
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welcome back. it is the bottom of the hour. start with the top stories. alabama polls show senate race in a dead heat hours before voting is set to begin. fox news poll shows doug jones with a ten point lead. this included both land line and cell phone when it was conducted. the newest emerson college tracking poll shows moore with a nine point lead. may depend largely on voter turnout. some republicans weigh sitting out rather than voting for moore. if voter turnout is historically high, give doug jones a three point advantage. if turnout is lower, give roy moore a four point advantage. >> last nightly steve bannon helped roy moore deliver argument. telling voters twice fired judge and accused pedophile is a good and righteous man, believer it or not. former white house chief stat
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psychiatri strategist framed what a call for resignation would mean. >> you got christian and bernie sanders saying you have to step down because of billy bush weekend. i thought we litigated that. didn't the american people already vote on that one. alabama is the fire break in all that judge moore wins tomorrow, it's a different deal. you understand that right. >> accused of sexual misconduct and denies all allegations against him. joining us now, vaughn hillyard. good to have you back this morning. what are we expecting in terms of turnout. what are people projecting there. >> that's the question. the republican candidate and the democrat candidate, turnout at
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this point. republican roy moore needs republicans to come out in decedent numbers, we should put it, to back him. he needs to be careful and not lose droves of republicans to go over to doug jones, campaign and senior campaign official told me last night they're not concerned based on their internal numbers of that happening. they think they are very confident at this point. on the flip side, democrat doug jones is the most robust get out the vote operation a democrat has had here in this state in a good 20 years. they have had people out out canvassing neighborhoods. phone banking. they believe they have built a turnout operation to put them over the top. particularly in jefferson county. birmingham. most populated county. where doug jones is from. they believe they can get enough democrats to turn out along with republican crossover voters and that should be enough for them by the time the polls close at 7:00 p.m. tonight. >> we see a number of notable voices, shall we say from cory booker from new jersey to steve
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bannon as we just saw on the campaign trail for both roy moore and doug jones. how do you think that these guys have impacted the race, if at all. >> i mean, to tighten the attention, which i honestly don't think they were needed voices to come in here to draw attention to this race. when you go around talking to people from selma, to huntsville down to rural areas where we were last night, you talk to people, they know about the race. they know the voting happens on tuesday. it feels similar to the likes of iowa or new hampshire in an presidential election. the likes of charles barkley. he's a native of alabama. steve bannon the former white house chief strategist, couldn't find somebody who could i guess provoke more or insight more excitement among the republican, that base that roy moore is going to rely on in order to turn out those voters here in just a few hours. >> vaughn hillyard, live for us in montgomery, alabama, what is
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shaping up to be an exciting race to watch. >> absolutely. the suspect in yesterday's terror attack here in new york city remains in the hospital after failed attempt to set off explosive device during busy rush hour commute. second to hit the city in just two months. nbc news justice correspondent pete williams has more on the investigation and why the man carried out this act of violence. >> reporter: police and federal agents descended on the brooklyn apartment where acay yesterdkay lived. investigators tell us he intended to carry out suicide attack inspired by isis propaganda videos. ullah is 27 and came to the u.s. 27 years ago from bangladesh on a visa allowing him to join relatives already here. he had a license to drive a limousine and more recently worked as electrician.
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moved from this house a year ago. >> i'm very shocked. he was a religious person and very quiet. >> investigators say ullah wore a simple pipe bomb made with battery, christmas light and explosive. they say he suspensionly set it off, but the construction was faulty reducing the effect. at least four plots to attack the new york subway system have been filed in the past 20 years. some inspired by isis, which urges followers to carry out suicide attacks, but so far none have been successful here. >> quite honest with you, i'm surprised we don't have more of these lone wolf types of attacks. >> many of the earlier plots involved one person. another factor that makes today's attack unusual. >> to do this all by yourself and contained as a lone wolf and do it successfully, thankfully is a fairly difficult task. >> thanks to pete wbms williams that report. two house democrats turning tables on republicans.
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fbi russia probe is politically bias. asked the justice department to turn over documents they say could reveal politically motivated misconduct at the fbi. coup demanding they release any material showing fbi agents or officials reveali ining an mous towards hillary clinton. that material could include evidence of potential leaks about the investigation into the use of private e-mail server to pro-trump conservative website called true pundit. requests come just days before rosenstein is set to testify in the russia probe. which both are ranking members on. we've seen it time and time again. over the last couple of weeks.
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a number of outlets have had to retract and change and rewrite and make editors notes to a number of different stories. some of them with major impacts including moving markets. this is a big problem and we think it's something that should be taken seriously. >> i would just cesar raf that journalists make honest mistakes and doesn't make them fake news. >> when they make honest mistakes, they should own up to them. >> we do. >> all the time. >> there's a very big difference between making honest mistakes and purposefully misleading the american people. i'm not done. you cannot say. >> completely fake sarah and he admitted it. >> you cannot say it's an honest mistake when you're purposefully putting out information you know to be false or taking information that hasn't been validated. hasn't been offered any credibility and continuously denied by a number of people
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including people with direct knowledge of an instance. this is something that. >> are you speaking about the president. >> i'm speaking about the number of reports that have come the last couple of weeks. i'm stating there should be a level of responsibility in that process. >> that intersection between sanders and the press came after president trump sent several tweets yesterday attacking the fake news media. the pentagon confirmed following a federal court ruling openly transgender individuals can enlist in military starting january 1. comes after federal judge upheld earlier decision to temporarily block president trump's desired ban which was also followed yesterday by another judge who issued a ruling blocking trump's order. in that decision, the judge writes, she was, quote, not convinced by the vague claims of the government and questioned the trump administrations quote, betrayal of situation as an emergency. white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders says the justice department is reviewing
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legal options to have trump's ban implemented. fallout from jerusalem decision continues. thousands took to the streets in beirut yesterday. chants included death to america, death to israel. the lead calls for another palestinian uprising and foolish decision is the beginning of the end of the jewish state of israel. comes a day after violent protest erupted outside the embassy in beirut. meanwhile, two more rockets fired into israel from gentleman san anton gentleman san antonio yesterdaz police had to use water cannons to disburse the crowd as well. >> is this the short of shot in the arm isis are getting now? we're going to see more lone wolf attacks like yesterday and also a decision like this kind of unites israel's enemy.
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saudi arabia and iran coming out in a way together giving similar statements. saudi arabia being an ally of the united states up until now. now coming out against this decision. >> if you take the words of russian president vladimir putin who was in syria and egypt yesterday. he made that point president trump's point is destabilizing the region. now they can use this as rallying cry. more recruitment and more violence. inside the palestinian or outside enemies in far away places like syria, iraq, afghanistan. interestingly enough, there will be those who look at this and say this has been a shot as you mentioned in a dose for extremists to recruit. >> but when you were on the ground there, what is it they really wanted after the decision took place. what is it they say we want this. >> i think the core of the struggle remains when you speak to palestinians. they want end of occupation.
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they went self determination. they want freedom and equality. they see that in the context of this. they don't see it as a religious struggle whatsoever. this is about rights, state hood and freedom. >> this certainly is not the end of it. that's for sure. fire crews in southern california racing to get several wildfires under control as they continue to burn in the second week. live report from the front line there is. bill karins back with us. details on the winter weather moving across parts of the country. we are the tv doctors of america, and we may not know much about medicine,
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: welcome back. everyone. thousands of firefighters are working overtime in their fight against several wildfires there. that includes the thomas fire. now become the fifth largest wildfire in the state's history. incredible when you think about it. in the hills of santa barbara county, firefighters making a stand. >> literally feel like you're putting out a blow torch with a
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squirt gun. many entering eighth day on the fire. hot, tired. still putting everything on the line. firefighter sr. a mother of three. married to a firefighter. she just learned she won't be home for christmas. >> we just tell them mommy and daddy have to be there to help other people. >> so many lives and homes now in their hands. >> you see the flames. people like this, waiting for firefighters to tell them to flee. >> we are ready to go. flames now getting closer to million dollar mansions. area close to oprah and ellen tweeted about evacuation. for now jay peterson is not going anywhere. >> if the wind picks up and starting charging down out of the canyons, i'm out of here. >> massive plume of smoke can be seen for miles. try to stop the spread. >> idea is to clear a space to make a break.
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taking out all of this brush. hasn't burned in more than 40 years. >> desperate bottle being watched by families wondering what will be left when they come home. even some families who now find themselves on the frontline. >> my house was evacuated. my kids and my husband have been living out of my vehicle. it's heart breaking. >> incredible images there when you see the opening shot of the helicopter and the mountains engulfed in fire. check on the weather with nbc meteorologist. obviously bill the wind is a huge factor with the fires. >> the wind has been a little bit lower the last couple of days. been able to knock it down a little bhr little more. million gallons of water. 19 million people at risk. still in high fire risk throughout the area. going to be in it until the wet season begins. dry and so much fuel to burn. this is how dry it has been. the rainy season officially
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begins october 1 in this region. they've had a couple of drips in the bucket since october 1. that's it. october is typically the wettest month of the rain season. show you the map for the next seven days. it would be a blank map. nothing to talk about. no sign of any wet weather or rain heading for southern california any time soon. all of the bad weather and winter weather stuck in the great lakes. looks to stay that way at least for the next couple of days. into the weekend. snow this morning and a lot of school cancellations and delays i'm sure from areas of northern pennsylvania, northern ohio, right through upstate new york and the two northern new england. i-95 looks good. maybe a little bit of rain shower. that will be the worst of it. highest snowfall total the mountains of northern new england you expect. little bit of lake affect. syracuse, watertown area. south of buffalo around erie
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pennsylvania. don't want to forget friends from south bay. right up through grand rapids. heavy snow. 4-8 inches possible off lake michigan. up to 20 inches possible. isolated areas. off the lakes and how about this arctic air. this will be the story after the snow. today windchills in the single digits and negative numbers. tomorrow heads for us even d.c. tomorrow morning, windchill of seven. >> cold. >> thanks for that bill. still ahead. market rally here in the u.s. continueses to push on as dow and s&p hit new record highs. >> find out what's driving stocks higher. netflix reveals most binged shows of 2017. who topped the list. big question. details after the break. more people shop online for the holidays than ever before. (clapping) and the united states postal service delivers more of those purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. ( ♪ )
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. welcome back, everybody. the treasury department has released a brief analysis of the tax plan. they suggest the tax reform will raise $1.8 trillion over the next decade. chuck schumer called the projection quote nothing more than one page of fake math. an analysis released on taxation last month founded that the plan will add 1 knoll the deficit. earlier this year, the treasury secretary says the tax plan will be completely transparent. >> it will be scored by the joint tax group. it will be scored by outside groups. it will be scored by the
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treasury department. we have over 100 people working often this and it will be a completely trance parent process. >> let's turn to business where the run continues with the dow and s&p 500 both kicking off the trading week cloegz at new record highs. what do you think helped the markets to those higher points yesterday? >> reporter: good morning, louis, it seems to be the case every day the jones group is moved by the energy and tech se sect tore. it helped crudes and brents with new highs trading near $58 a barrel. and in tech space, advances pushed the nasdaq higher with some of the major stocks like apple, for example, leading the move up. let me bring your attention to
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another big story in the retail sector this morning. the french company has announced they will be buying australia and shopping mooeld field owner. the company says this would trade a global property owner but $72 million of market value in different countries. i should tell you westfield has both the united states and the united kingdom and a family owned business. >> let's talk about something important. next flicks revealed its most popular shows for 2017 and the binge watch shows. what are some of the shows and how did the company compile that information? >> reporter: of course, that is the number one story of the day. netflix released the pop streaming habits. they scrubbed the data and sent out 60,000 surveys.
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they split the results into four cult categorys the top are "american vandal." "the crown" a personal favorite in the uk. narcos is change and netflix use verse collectively watched over 1 billion hours of kwon tent per week in 20 scene e 17, that is over 114,000 viewer contint. >> that is a lot of watching. >> you are spending a lot of time. >> a lot of time on netflix. i like shows that got you cheating. i know one big argument in my household is that my wife watching narcos and other shows without me, i have to play catchup. i'm sure that thups guys. >> i actually -- i'm sure that happens to you guys. >> i actually watch with my wife. >> one guy watched part of the caribbean every day for 365
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kays. >> we won't say louis' name. >> i love "pirates of the caribbean." coming up next, decision day, voters there are heading to the polls to catch the highly watched senate race. >> the contest between roy moore and doug jones has drawn intense national attention and what it means for the mid-terms and president trump moving forward. "morning joe," everybody, live from the great state of alabama is moments away. apple car play compatibility... wow... ...and teen driver technology. that's crazy... now to get all of these features, you'd need all six of those crossovers. that's insane! yep, and you still wouldn't get everything that's in this equinox. wowww... six cars in one. use your employee discount for everyone to get forty -five hundred dollars below msrp on this 2018 chevy equinox. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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the "new york times" says that each day president trump watches 8 hours of tv and drinks 12 diet coax and depending on how many he's had it changes trump's behavior. here, i'll show you what i mean, watch this. >> thank you very much, thank you is there sit down, please, beautiful hats. >> hey look, i'm president. i don't care. >> being president gives you great power, right? >> don't ask me questions like that. are you fought a very good reporter doing that. >> bye, go home to mommy him go home to mommy. >> no, get those lights off, off, turn them off, they're too briemt turn off the lights.
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the american dream is dead. period, cut, bing, bing, bong and dak. hello. >> and god bless the united stat states. >> sorry. so some laughs, obviously, on jimmy fallon last night. let's get a check of the stories you will be hearing about in the day ahead. >> we have been telling you, voters in alabama are choosing a new senator in that closely watched election, roy moore is going against doug jones. >> he is a graduate of the university of alabama. >> i did not know that. the tampa serial killer is due in court. she expected to enter a plea. harold donaldson iii is accused of killing four people and terrifying the seminole heights neighborhood for months. they have fought revealed a
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moti motive for those killings jeff sessions will discuss the white house plans for fighting the ms-13 gang. that's it for us. "morning joe," live in alabama starts right now. >> they tried to pull the 25th amendment. you hear corker and "morning joe," they're on that every day, he's losing his mind. right? 25th amendment, they're putting that out there. nobody can come down here and tell folks in alabama what to do. and i'm a virginian, so that's the last thing a virginian can tell somebody in alabama to do. by the way, morning joe, you called me a yankee because i'm from richmond, virginia the capital of the confederacy. that's right, joe, i got in some yankee stores, george town and harvard, that i don't think you made the cut on, brother.


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